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Delete User immediately?

Hi @Friendica Admins @Friendica Support

I have a couple of test user accounts for developing, and it is a little bit cumbersome that I can't delete a test account directly but have to wait (a week or so) until it is finally deleted.

Is there a way to "force deletion" immediately?


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Als Antwort auf Marek Bachmann

You can’t drop them immediately because federation needs time.
But you can delete them from the user table and probably from the userd table.

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Als Antwort auf Raroun

@Raroun @Marek Bachmann :friendica: I don't know if that has unwanted side effects, such as warnings or even errors. I would wait for normal deletion and then purge them continue with testing like test12345 and so.

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Als Antwort auf Roland Häder

I had an issue with the „move account“ feature in Friendica that doesn’t work.
In my case it created users that didn’t even showed up in the user overview. Deleting them solved my issue.
Anyway ist probably more safe to wait a week.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Jahre her)

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Als Antwort auf Marek Bachmann

In my specific case I was concerned to free the space since had tested with images and my test server has quite low disk quota.

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