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Marek Bachmann reshared this.

A thought about the #Fediverse and the origin of #Internet

I think that the #Fediverse has the potential to bring (social) #Web back closer to its original vision of its most important inventor, Tim #Berners-Lee:

"There is the idea that society can run without a hierarchical bureaucratic government being involved at every step, if only we can hit on the right set of rules for peer-peer interaction. So where design of the Internet and the Web is a search for set of rules which will allow computers to work together in harmony, so our spiritual and social quest is for a set of rules which allow people to work together in harmony." (source)

And from my point of view, the term "hierarchical bureaucratic government" also holds for "#centralized #commercial #social #networks".

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in reply to Marek Bachmann

Well- from where i'm typing right now. The Fediverse solves a ton of problems. it really does 'Just Work'.

Marek Bachmann reshared this.

Schaddel ab 01.01.2025 schon ab 22 Uhr buchbar. Yay!

#kassel #ÖPNV #schaddel

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Marek Bachmann reshared this.

Marek Bachmann reshared this.

Das Spiel „Skull and Bones“ ist da – es ist ein Lehrstück darüber, wie schlechte Zustände in der Gaming-Industrie zu schlechten Spielen führen.!5990211/

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Marek Bachmann reshared this.

Am 25.10.2023 bin ich in eine HNA Reportage über das Schaddel Angebot der KVG Kassel geraten.

"Angekommen vor der Kneipe Hot Legs steigt Bachmann aus. „Den fahre ich unwahrscheinlich gerne“, sagt Reuter." 😍

#ÖPNV #KVG #Kassel #Schaddel #Nachtleben #HNA

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Marek Bachmann reshared this.

"Geld ohne Arbeit setzt völlig falsche Anreize" – Union will offenbar Aktiendividenden, Erbschaften und Mieteinnahmen verbieten

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in reply to Der Postillon 📯

Es müssen einfach nur Arbeitsanreize geschaffen werden

Friendica Developers reshared this.

API Support fot Fedilab

HI !Friendica Developers

Please have a look on this thread (open the original url to see full context):Can we address this change?

best regards marek
Yes, it could be done when api will return a "in_reply_message" (object) instead of a "in_reply_id" (String).

in reply to Marek Bachmann Friendica Developers reshared this.

I do it with pleasure. Just wanted to ask in advance, as always, if it makes sense :-)
Unknown parent Friendica Developers reshared this.

Marek Bachmann
Done. :-) Please consider that I do not have expert knowledge on that issue and basically just forwarding the conversation with the Fedilab devs. In particular, I do not understand why they need it, since a click on a reply (which is shown out of context in the timeline) opens the thread anyway already in the app.

Friendica Support reshared this.

How does a friendica instance get the "contact id" of a visitor? / Need SQL help

This entry was edited (2 years ago)

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Unknown parent Friendica Support reshared this.

Marek Bachmann
For further discussion / remark to myself:

could be a good start for "visitor" is identified.

$requester = HTTPSignature::getSigner('', $_SERVER);
if (!empty($requester)) {

The $requester is only filled on full reload (ctrl + f5)

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in reply to Marek Bachmann Friendica Developers reshared this.

@Hypolite Petovan a general question which surely is in the scope of your expertise: Is there some method in git to check when a specific method / code block was last changed by a commit?
In this specific case, I would like to check when and what was changed in the Images::getScalingDimensions($width, $height, 90); method to confirm / rule out being the cause of this bug.
in reply to Marek Bachmann Friendica Developers reshared this.

@Marek Bachmann Yes, it’s called git blame, although I’ve never used it in command line. In PHPStorm, it’s called “Annotate with git blame”.
in reply to Hypolite Petovan Friendica Developers reshared this.

Wow, what a cool function. Tested it in PHPStorm. It really tells me for any line which commit changed this line.
in reply to Hypolite Petovan Friendica Developers reshared this.

Just the name "blame" is a little rude :-D From this function's perspective, you are "to blame" for many code lines ;-)
This entry was edited (2 years ago)
in reply to Marek Bachmann Friendica Developers reshared this.

@Marek Bachmann It’s a common criticism of the name of the feature, several alternatives have been suggested but there’s little chance any of them will be adopted.

Friendica Developers reshared this.

Status of "image galleries"?

Hi @Friendica Developers

Please have a look at this image (object) in an image gallery on my test instance:

Does anybody know about the "state of the art" regarding the image galleries? There are at least to broken behaviors.

1. There is a like button, but it has no effect (it does not toggle)
2. There is a comment option under the image (which indicated it is handled as a kind of thread, too) but if I tag someone things break.

Regards Marek
This entry was edited (2 years ago)
Unknown parent Friendica Developers reshared this.

Marek Bachmann
Will you provide these enhancements from your friendica instance to the public repository? :-)
Unknown parent Friendica Developers reshared this.

Marek Bachmann
Ahh really nice to know. Such an app is quite important to provide users easy access for handling media. Really appreciate your work and mindset on this topic.

And, yes I was referring to you in the thought that you might already be engaged in the media aspects in der friendica front end (and back end) since I for myself am eager to engage to better media support in friendica :-)

Friendica Admins reshared this.

Why is a E-Mail notfication for new registration only possbile when registrations are unrestricted open?

@Friendica Admins @Friendica Developers @Friendica Support

I created a semi public friendica instance ( and currently I do not want to allow registrations from general worldwide public but from people in my region. For this, I set the registration policy to "by approval".
The problem now is, that I do not get notified by E-Mail if someone wants to register. I need to manually check the instance's front end to see that there is a new registration.
Is this by intention, do I do something wrong? Otherwise, I would like to create a new issue on git regarding this.

Thank you!

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in reply to Marek Bachmann Friendica Admins reshared this.

@~friendica ~friendica">Marek Bachmann ~friendica ~friendica Administrator accounts should see tge pending registrations in the notifications menu.

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Friendica Developers reshared this.

Hi @Friendica Developers @Friendica Developers

Does anybody know where the E-Mail templates are stored and generated? I like to adjust an issue (for at least the German translation) that in the email subject it is written "X commented your post" even in the body it then tells me "X liked your post". :)
in reply to Marek Bachmann Friendica Developers reshared this.

Give me a like please so we can continue testing!

Marek Bachmann doesn't like this.

"Schöner jünger geiler als WER?" Habe ich mich jedes Mal gefragt. 😋

Das waren die 25 häufigsten Google-Suchanfragen der Deutschen im Jahr 2022

Was die Deutschen im Jahr 2022 auch beschäftigte – einem konnten sie es immer anvertrauen: dem Tech-Giganten Google, dessen Suchmaschine nach wie vor

Marek Bachmann reshared this.

In early 2023, #Mozilla will stand up and test a publicly accessible instance in the #Fediverse at Mozilla.Social.

More info here:

Marek Bachmann reshared this.

Unknown parent

Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox
@randal Disclaimer: Thunderbird is not technically under Mozilla's umbrella (we are MZLA Technologies) and not does officially speak on behalf of Mozilla.

Just sharing our enthusiasm for what they do.
in reply to Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

@wouter I'd prefer Mozilla just focus their energy and enormous budget on just making Firefox awesome for now. You keep losing so much market share. Fix all the obvious issues first. Stop wasting time on silly things most people don't think are the priority.

Marek Bachmann reshared this.

Immer wieder: Wenn du deinen Satz mit "unpopular opinion" einleitest, musst du halt auch damit rechnen, dass die Meinung dann tatsächlich nicht so dolle ankommt. 🤭

Marek Bachmann reshared this.

in reply to Lars Fischer

98% dieser "unpopular Opnion"-Sachen sind eh nur Fassade, um ein Arschloch gegen jemanden oder etwas zu sein.

Marek Bachmann reshared this.

Ich habe eine #Friendica Instanz für die Region #Nordhessen auf

bereitgestellt. Falls jemand aus #Kassel , #Hessen Lust hat mal eine andere Anwendung als #Mastodon im #fediverse auszuprobieren, freue ich mich über eure Teilnahme.
Ich betreibe die Instanz rein privat in meiner Freizeit und experimentiere selbst noch mit dem Fediverse. Also am besten etwas Pioniergeist mitbringen. Aktive Mitgestaltung ausdrücklich erwünscht! :-)

in reply to Marek Bachmann

1866: "Preußen annektierte die bisherigen Staaten Kurhessen und Nassau und vereinigte sie mit der Freien Stadt #Frankfurt zur Provinz #Hessen-Nassau. #Kassel wurde die Hauptstadt der neuen Provinz und Sitz ihres Oberpräsidenten"

This entry was edited (2 years ago)

Friendica Support reshared this.

Hi @Friendica Support
I encounter this error:

Warning: touch(): Utime failed: Permission denied in [PATH REMOVED]/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_template_compiled.php on line 178

Randomly at different locations on the front end. And idea what I have done wrong?
in reply to Marek Bachmann Friendica Support reshared this.

Checking the file attributers returns:

-rw-rw-r-- 1 friendica friendica 9461 Sep 14 12:59 [PATH REMOVED]/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_template_compiled.php

www-data is a member of the friendica group.
This entry was edited (2 years ago)
in reply to Marek Bachmann Friendica Support reshared this.

getent group friendica returns: