A thought about the #Fediverse and the origin of #Internet
I think that the #Fediverse has the potential to bring (social) #Web back closer to its original vision of its most important inventor, Tim #Berners-Lee:
"There is the idea that society can run without a hierarchical bureaucratic government being involved at every step, if only we can hit on the right set of rules for peer-peer interaction. So where design of the Internet and the Web is a search for set of rules which will allow computers to work together in harmony, so our spiritual and social quest is for a set of rules which allow people to work together in harmony." (source)
And from my point of view, the term "hierarchical bureaucratic government" also holds for "#centralized #commercial #social #networks".
blaubeerbrot mag das.
teilten dies erneut
Der Marek hat dies geteilt.
Schaddel ab 01.01.2025 schon ab 22 Uhr buchbar. Yay!
mögen das
Marek Bachmann und Cyberhippie mögen das.
teilten dies erneut
Marek Bachmann und Marek Bachmann haben dies geteilt.
So werden wir von der Politik ver*rscht
Über Wissenschaftlichkeit in der Politik, Populismus, Demokratie, die schweigende Mehrheit - und den Start meiner politischen Laufbahn.INHALT0:00 Mehr Wissen...YouTube
Marek Bachmann mag das.
teilten dies erneut
Marek Bachmann und Marek Bachmann haben dies geteilt.
Am 25.10.2023 bin ich in eine HNA Reportage über das Schaddel Angebot der KVG Kassel geraten.
"Angekommen vor der Kneipe Hot Legs steigt Bachmann aus. „Den fahre ich unwahrscheinlich gerne“, sagt Reuter." 😍
#ÖPNV #KVG #Kassel #Schaddel #Nachtleben #HNA
So ist eine Nachtschicht mit Schaddel-Fahrer Jürgen Reuter
Jürgen Reuter (59) bringt in Kassel nachts Menschen von A nach B. Wir haben den Schaddelfahrer auf einer seiner Nachtschichten begleitet.www.hna.de
teilten dies erneut
Marek Bachmann und Der Marek haben dies geteilt.
"Geld ohne Arbeit setzt völlig falsche Anreize" – Union will offenbar Aktiendividenden, Erbschaften und Mieteinnahmen verbieten
Berlin (dpo) - Ganz schön linksradikal: Die Union will offenbar Aktiendividenden, Erbschaften und Mieteinnahmen verbieten. Das geht aus der...Der Postillon (Blogger)
Marek Bachmann mag das.
teilten dies erneut
Marek Bachmann und Marek Bachmann haben dies geteilt.
Diese speziellen Politiker sind alle so "kurz davor, es zu verstehen"
...hat ihn diese Aussicht nicht in die Politik versschlagen...?
Dann geht's bald an die Gehälter der Postillion-Redakteure ...
... werden die überhaupt bezahlt?
BTW, warum packt Ihr denn Mastodon und andere Fediverse-Optionen (Friendica, Diaspora etc.) nicht in die Verlinkungsmöglichkeiten, sondern nur kommerzielle, zentralistische Plattformen?
..die Meldung gehört definitiv in die Top10 des Jahres...
Sooo geil🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
API Support fot Fedilab
Please have a look on this thread (open the original url to see full context):Can we address this change?
best regards marek
Yes, it could be done when api will return a "in_reply_message" (object) instead of a "in_reply_id" (String).
How does a friendica instance get the "contact id" of a visitor? / Need SQL help
I am digging in the problem that restricted image / images shared with a specific group or user are not accessible, see https://github.com/friendica/friendica/issues/12412
Now I think that I found at least two issues:
filed in the photo table seems not correctly be set. For an image shared with followers only, the result is: select `accessible`,allow_cid,allow_gid from photo where `resource-id` = '100228443963b9a03d31378698994057';
| accessible | allow_cid | allow_gid |
| 1 | <3> | <~> |
| 1 | <3> | <~> |
| 1 | <3> | <~> |
The getRemoteContactID method returns a value > 0 iff the page is reloaded completely (ctrl + f5) otherwise 0.
Accordingly, I have two questions:
- Does anyone know how the "visitor" is identified, in more detail their contact-id (cid), on the local instance?
- To the mysql pros: Can someone provide me the sql command to update the
filed in the photo table? This would make by debugging efforts much easier .
Thank you very much, helping me to support
Sending images to a group. Images are set to private and are not displayed · Issue #12412 · friendica/friendica
[ x ] I have searched open and closed issues for duplicates Bug Description Sending images to a group. Images are set to private and are not displayed It has already been noticed elsewhere that all...GitHub
teilten dies erneut
Friendica Developers hat dies geteilt.
could be a good start for "visitor" is identified.
$requester = HTTPSignature::getSigner('', $_SERVER);
if (!empty($requester)) {
is only filled on full reload (ctrl + f5)teilten dies erneut
Friendica Developers hat dies geteilt.
Image upload distortes portraits to landscapes
@Friendica Developers @Friendica Developers
Please see here:
Yet another photo test, should all be PORTRAIT!
Please click on any image to confirm that they are portraits
I guess it is an issue in our backend introduced eventually between last stable a current develop since on the last stable the problem does not occur, cf.
https://fdc.mbbit.de/photos/marek/album/7363616c6554657374 (current dev) and
https://kassel.social/photos/marek/album/7363616c6554657374 (stable)
utzer [Friendica] mag das.
directly to see additional issue description.
mögen das
Hypolite Petovan, Marek Bachmann und Mark mögen das.
utzer [Friendica] mag das.
mögen das
Marek Bachmann und Tio mögen das.
What would also help me if this someone else / other instances face this issue.
Instances need to run on the latest dev branch, since in the current stable I do not face this issue neither.
So if someone on a dev instance might try to upload a portrait photo and tell me if the problem also occurs, I will create a new issue for this phenom on git.
In this specific case, I would like to check when and what was changed in the
Images::getScalingDimensions($width, $height, 90);
method to confirm / rule out being the cause of this bug.
git blame
, although I’ve never used it in command line. In PHPStorm, it’s called “Annotate with git blame”.Marek Bachmann mag das.
Hypolite Petovan mag das.
Hypolite Petovan mag das.
Marek Bachmann mag das.
Status of "image galleries"?
Please have a look at this image (object) in an image gallery on my test instance:
Does anybody know about the "state of the art" regarding the image galleries? There are at least to broken behaviors.
1. There is a like button, but it has no effect (it does not toggle)
2. There is a comment option under the image (which indicated it is handled as a kind of thread, too) but if I tag someone things break.
Regards Marek
Marek Bachmann mag das.
utzer [Friendica] mag das.
mögen das
Marek Bachmann und utzer [Friendica] mögen das.
And, yes I was referring to you in the thought that you might already be engaged in the media aspects in der friendica front end (and back end) since I for myself am eager to engage to better media support in friendica
Why is a E-Mail notfication for new registration only possbile when registrations are unrestricted open?
I created a semi public friendica instance (kassel.social) and currently I do not want to allow registrations from general worldwide public but from people in my region. For this, I set the registration policy to "by approval".
The problem now is, that I do not get notified by E-Mail if someone wants to register. I need to manually check the instance's front end to see that there is a new registration.
Is this by intention, do I do something wrong? Otherwise, I would like to create a new issue on git regarding this.
Thank you!
teilten dies erneut
Friendica Developers und Friendica Support haben dies geteilt.
teilten dies erneut
Friendica Developers und Friendica Support haben dies geteilt.
Does anybody know where the E-Mail templates are stored and generated? I like to adjust an issue (for at least the German translation) that in the email subject it is written "X commented your post" even in the body it then tells me "X liked your post". :)
Marek Bachmann mag das.
Marek Bachmann mag das nicht.
"Schöner jünger geiler als WER?" Habe ich mich jedes Mal gefragt. 😋
Das waren die 25 häufigsten Google-Suchanfragen der Deutschen im Jahr 2022
Was die Deutschen im Jahr 2022 auch beschäftigte – einem konnten sie es immer anvertrauen: dem Tech-Giganten Google, dessen Suchmaschine nach wie vor
Das waren die 25 häufigsten Google-Suchanfragen der Deutschen im Jahr 2022
Was die Deutschen im Jahr 2022 auch beschäftigte – einem konnten sie es immer anvertrauen: dem Tech-Giganten Google, dessen Suchmaschine na...Der Postillon (Blogger)
More info here: https://blog.mozilla.org/en/mozilla/mozilla-launch-fediverse-instance-social-media-alternative/
Mozilla to Explore Healthy Social Media Alternative
In early 2023, Mozilla will stand up and test a publicly accessible instance in the Fediverse at Mozilla.Social.Steve Teixeira (The Mozilla Blog)
Marek Bachmann mag das.
Marek Bachmann hat dies geteilt.
Instead they burn cash like no tomorrow and makes are kind of weird projects.
Thank you for supporting open source projects.
Firefox and Tumblr join rush to support Mastodon social network
Elon Musk admits banning links to Twitter rival was a mistakeAlex Hern (The Guardian)
I don't like the word "test" here, it makes it feel like an ephemeral experiment.
Fediverse existed long before Twitter turned nightmare even for developers.
I do worry about how can Mozilla tackle moderation. I don't think they as a company have done it before.
I do worry about how can Mozilla tackle moderation. I don't think they as a company have done it before.
Maybe this is what they are testing (among other things)
Just sharing our enthusiasm for what they do.
Marek Bachmann mag das.
Marek Bachmann hat dies geteilt.
Was dann so richtig »unpopular« ist.
Ich habe eine #Friendica Instanz für die Region #Nordhessen auf
bereitgestellt. Falls jemand aus #Kassel , #Hessen Lust hat mal eine andere Anwendung als #Mastodon im #fediverse auszuprobieren, freue ich mich über eure Teilnahme.
Ich betreibe die Instanz rein privat in meiner Freizeit und experimentiere selbst noch mit dem Fediverse. Also am besten etwas Pioniergeist mitbringen. Aktive Mitgestaltung ausdrücklich erwünscht!
mögen das
SusanneBonn, geschichtenundmeer, Kristian, wirelessbambule, Leonid Löw, The Fortuna Guy, Alexander Goeres, Hamiller, Frank, Ben Zucker 🍰, Marcel, Kleiner Radler - sauer, stefan, Steffen Voß, qwertzalotl, cb7f604332cf39, Margarete, deleted, Paul Wunderlich, Keanu, Martin 🪷 Schmitz, Marco, palindromi, L⌐ "SpätzleGrab™",8,1, Marzel, Erinnerungen-im-Netz.de :vf: und Lieschen Müller's father mögen das.
teilten dies erneut
FKS Admin, SusanneBonn, (:: ) )))) ), Boss-zrtfz. Spannbettuchfalter, caos, Don di Dislessia, radioactivestardust, Birne Helene, The Fortuna Guy, dr-e 🛡️, Frank, Marcel, Ulrich, Kleiner Radler - sauer, Easydor, stefan, Feuertear, qwertzalotl, Lasse Gismo - 🇮🇱🇺🇦🇸🇩, Myiagros, Brain Of k., Matze, caos, Kranfahrer, I ❤️ FEDIVERSE, Peter Michael und grauerle :mastodon: haben dies geteilt.
Gerne auch bei #ThemedServers eintragen lassen, die haben auch eine Kategorie für regionalspezifische #Instanzen : https://gnulinux.ch/themed-servers-auswahlhilfe-fuer-eine-fediverse-instanz
#Fediverse #Nordhessen #Instanzliste #Kassel
"Themed Servers" - Auswahlhilfe für eine Fediverse-Instanz
"Unsure where to register to join Fediverse? Choose from this curated list." - Die Webseite https://fediverse.party/en/portal/servers/ bietet eine kuratierte Liste von Fediverse-Instanzen und möchte Menschen helfen, "ihre Community zu finden".GNU/Linux.ch
Marek Bachmann mag das.
mögen das
Marek Bachmann und Lieschen Müller's father mögen das.
Marcel mag das.
Friendica und Mastodon "federieren" sehr gut miteinander. Kleine Ausnahme ist zum Beispiel das friendica (noch!) nicht die Teilnahme an Umfragen von Mastodon unterstützt.
Dafür kann es aber an einigen Ecken wesentlich mehr als Mastodon. Formatierung von Beiträgen, einbetten von Bildern etc.
Marcel mag das.
Das lohnt sich immer mal wieder, da auch Mastodon nicht immer alle Inhalte der Originalbeitrags 1:1 übernimmt. Zum Beispiel limitiert Mastodon die Anzahl der Bilder in einem Beitrag auf vier, auch wenn im Originalbeitrag mehr Bilder eingefügt wurden.
Esther mag das.
Nur kleine Ergänzung: Das dort verlinkte #Peertube-Video gibt es auch auf deutsch:
Vielleicht wäre das noch passender?
Lieschen Müller's father mag das.
Kassel – KasselWiki
Kassel, Stadt a. d. Fulda (Hessen). - Historische Entwicklung vom 10. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert.www.kasselwiki.de
mögen das
Marek Bachmann und Lieschen Müller's father mögen das.
I encounter this error:
Warning: touch(): Utime failed: Permission denied in [PATH REMOVED]/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_template_compiled.php on line 178
Randomly at different locations on the front end. And idea what I have done wrong?
-rw-rw-r-- 1 friendica friendica 9461 Sep 14 12:59 [PATH REMOVED]/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_template_compiled.php
is a member of the friendica
getent group friendica
Friendica 2022.12 released
Inhaltswarnung: We are very happy to announce the avail-ability of the new stable version of Friendica. Wrapping up the sprint from the 2022.10 release of Friendica we closed 73 filed issues and had almost 300 pull requests by 19 contributors. A special thanks goes out t
A special thanks goes out to Christian Pöschl from usd AG and Matthias Moritz who have found a CSRF- and XSS-attack, that is fixed with this release.
In addition to fixing this bug, the highlights of the changes since the 2022.10 release are
- The default theme of Friendica (frio) got many improvements and some old themes got deprecated.
- The calendar saw some improvements and can now be made visible to anonymous visitors.
- The homepage mentioned on the user profile is now automatically verified via the rel-me backlink.
- Images attached to a posting are now shown in a grid at the bottom of the posting.
- A moderation corner was established from the admin panel where a future release will add more moderation tool and bundle them with the current once.
For details, please the CHANGELOG file in the repository.
Since version 2022.06 the lowest required PHP version Friendica needed on the server was raised to PHP 7.3 and PHP 8.0 is supported.
What is Friendica
Friendica is a decentralized communications platform, you can use to host your own social media server that integrates with independent social networking platforms (like the Fediverse or Diaspora*) but also some commercial ones like Twitter.
How to Update
Updating from old Friendica versions
If you are updating from an older version than the 2022.06 release, please first update your Friendica instance to that version as it contained some breaking changes.
Pre-Update Procedures
Ensure that the last backup of your Friendica installation was done recently.
Using Git
Updating from the git repositories should only involve a pull from the Friendica core repository and addons repository, regardless of the branch (stable or develop) you are using. Remember to update the dependencies with composer as well. So, assuming that you are on the
branch, the commands to update your installation to the 2022.12 release would becd friendica
git pull
bin/composer.phar install --no-dev
cd addon
git pull
If you want to use a different branch than the
one, you need to fetch and checkout the branch before your perform the git pull.Pulling in the dependencies with composer will show some deprecation warning, we will be working on that in the upcoming release.
Using the Archive Files
If you had downloaded the source files in an archive file (tar.gz) please download the current version of the archive from friendica-full-2022.12.tar.gz (sha256) and friendica-addons 2022.12.tar.gz (sha256)) and unpack it on your local computer.
As many files got deleted or moved around, please upload the unpacked files to a new directory on your server (say
) and copy over your existing configuration (config/local.config.php
and config/addon.config.php
) and .htaccess
files. Afterwards rename your current Friendica directory (e.g. friendica) to friendica_old
and friendica_new
to friendica
.The files of the dependencies are included in the archive (make sure you are using the friendica-full-2022.12 archive), so you don’t have to worry about them.
Post Update Tasks
The database update should be applied automatically, but sometimes it gets stuck. If you encounter this, please initiate the DB update manually from the command line by running the script
bin/console dbstructure update
from the base of your Friendica installation. If the output contains any error message, please let us know using the channels mentioned below.
Please note, that some of the changes to the database structure will take some time to be applied, depending on the size of your Friendica database.
Known Issues
Regarding the update process none as of writing.
How to Contribute
If you want to contribute to the project, you don’t need to have coding experience. There are a number of tasks listed in the issue tracker with the label “Junior Jobs” we think are good for new contributors. But you are by no means limited to these – if you find a solution to a problem (even a new one) please make a pull request at github or let us know in the development forum.
Contribution to Friendica is also not limited to coding. Any contribution to the documentation, the translation or advertisement materials is welcome or reporting a problem. You don’t need to deal with Git(Hub) or Transifex if you don’t like to. Just get in touch with us and we will get the materials to the appropriate places.
Thanks everyone who helped making this release possible and have fun!
Friendica Communications Platform (please note that this is a clone of the repository at github, issues are handled there)Friendica git
mögen das
ginAd, Шуро, and2099, Falgn0n The Wizard, Hans-Peter Gauster, Kristian, elrido, Marc, Iron Bug, Lex Publica, Andreas vom Zwenkauer See, Raroun, Tio, mrostu, Michael, Marek Bachmann, Tim Schlotfeldt 🐧⚓, Hypolite Petovan, Meercat ✅, Alexander Barton, Paula Gentle on Friendica, Aaron, Wandering Thinker, Philipp Holzer, Philipp Holzer, Steffen K9 🐰, Joe Slam, Xiku Francesc, Weltraumeindringling, Carmela, John Samuel, Jonathan Blackshire, Salva Pl und usd AG mögen das.
teilten dies erneut
Poliverso - notizie dal Fediverso ⁂, ricardo :mastodon:, butterflyoffire ⏚, Wayne Mackintosh 🇳🇿🐧, Шуро, Ritinha, wakest ⁂, rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua, Todd FOSS alt :popos:, Tobias, and2099, Falgn0n The Wizard, Debbie Goldsmith 🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈, Pen² L, Aaron Winston Smith, 新中国哈密瓜🇨🇳🍈 :emacs: :verified:, HerrThees, Daniel Siepmann, AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺, halfey ✅🎮🎨🔬🔭🐈🇲🇾🇺🇦🇹🇼, hoergen, Robin Hüskes, Marek Bachmann, Wandering Thinker, Hypolite Petovan, Wouter, Philipp Holzer, Philipp Holzer, Steffen K9 🐰, Michael, JyrkiKuoppala, J. Alfred Prufrock, Leo, Hiro :vivaldi_red:, Jonathan Blackshire, Ramon van Belzen und tunda haben dies geteilt.
using WP + elementor for my personal home page.
Added rel=me to a link in the page pointing at my #Friendica profile per the elementor instructions.
Not working?
Most likely I am doing it wrong.
Or else - where do I send my $8 to get my blue check!?
presence is checked once on profile form submission, and then once a day. Please resubmit the profile edit form first.
Didn't seem to do anything.
Don't worry about it, not all that important, just thought I'd try out "the cool new feature"
Falgn0n The Wizard mag das.
But thx - #Friendica is still the best fedi server and updates are a breeze
@Friendica News
I think your speed experience of old was more based around that specific instance and its configuration (and it is no longer running). My Friendica installation is as quick and responsive as my Akkoma instance.
On the topic of Friendica I was also somewhat surprised to notice the new (beta) app Mammoth is showing my Friendica instance quite well. Surprised especially since Mammoth does not show my Akkoma (i.e. Pleroma) instance (which the app MetaText does though).
However obviously it depends on the instance and how loaded it is.
Also certain operations in Friendica are slower by design compared to some other platforms. E.g. when you post a comment it isn't fired to other servers almost immediately like in Mastodon but is sent on next worker run which typically is every several minutes. In that regard Friendica feels less like chat and more like email :)
Danke Leute !
With a table of pics at the end of the post it'll would look like fucking FB. :(
must be applied manually by node admins to their respective .htaccess
file because we don't have access to them from the official Friendica repository.If you paste the contents of your
file, I'll be able to give you the updated version.
mögen das
Hypolite Petovan und Shallow Water mögen das.
Inhaltswarnung: We are very happy to announce the avail-ability of the new stable version of Friendica. Wrapping up the sprint from the 2022.10 release of Friendica we closed 73 filed issues and had almost 300 pull requests by 19 contributors. A special thanks goes out t
was raised to PHP 7.3 and PHP 8.0 is supported.
I'd say 8.1 is supported, not sure why you kept 8.0.
@Friendica News
Hypolite Petovan mag das.
Cătă mag das.
It's been more than one day already and it's still not showing up the checkmark on my profile here. I wasn't sure if I mistook something or if Gravatar is simply not the right tool for this.
It would show the error in the Friendica log, though, you can grep for "CheckRelMeProfileLink" for more information.
HTML tag instead of a
and the other has several values in rel
attribute - maybe this is what breaks the check?https://github.com/friendica/friendica/issues/12507
Homepage verification inconsistent? · Issue #12507 · friendica/friendica
Some links don't seem to pass verification procedure and checkmark doesn't appear. Test profile: https://friends.deko.cloud/profile/bot Link examples: https://social.deko.cloud/test.html - ...GitHub
Hypolite Petovan mag das.
@Hypolite Petovan, It's not my server, I don't know how to access these logs. Is there an option in the settings or anything?
Cătă mag das.
@Hypolite Petovan @Александр Thanks. For now I tried to change the link and modify it a couple of times, however gravatar seems to have some limits in the number of verifications, so I failed verification on Gravatar as well now, haha.
Thanks for using my profile as a guinea pig, hope this will help others tho.
Edit: here's the message I receive now, haha, oups
Edit2: Just managed to add the link back on Gravatar side. Not gonna edit any longer for now unless there is a sure fix for it. Looking forward for this :D
Hypolite Petovan mag das.
@Hypolite Petovan
file, yes.
How to make a user admin from console
I created a new instance, but for what ever reason the first registered user has no admin rights. How can I set admin rights to a user via console?
Shelenn Ayres mag das.
configuration key in the config/local.config.php
file.Pen² L mag das.
, but that worked. But I previously thought that it would determine the email address to get in contact with the admin rather to identify his account
for the file-based configuration, and in static/settings.config.php
for database-based configuration.Shelenn Ayres mag das.
Hypolite Petovan mag das.
Show image Description in Fancybox?
Does fancybox add-on currently support displaying the image description (more formally, the content of the "alt" attribute of the img tag), and if yes, how / where? If no, do we want to add it?
Peter Vágner mag das.
I checked a few posts with images and their source uris, they all are from various locations depending on the origin of the post. For Friendica post the uris of the images are most frequent in the fromat:
"instace url"/photo/"32 chars hash"-0.jpg
Can you elaborate your issue in more detail please? Thank you.
Thank you for clarification. I affirm that fancy box is not triggered there, but image neither displayed directly. On my instance, clicking on an image creates some kind of gallery, allowing me to browse through the images:
Do you expect that fancybox is triggered when you would click on the camper image in my screenshot?
Well have a look at the image gallery on my friendica (https://friends.brockha.us/photos/grischa). You'll notice, that my images are loaded in fancybox there already. 😉
As there is no hook it is not possible to do that from an addon.
I use a patched frio theme for that. :)
Marek Bachmann mag das.
Aber das ist ja nur meine "Vorliebe". Über den aktuellen Stand, bei dem Du schon so durch die Bilder klicken kannst, noch Fancybox darüberzulegen bei einem Klick auf das gerade angezeigte Bild halte ich für unangemessene "Doppelfunktion". Ob es technisch aber möglich wäre Dir dies als Option des Fancybox Add-Ons zu ermöglichen müsstest Du @Grischa fragen. :)
Ganz im Allgemeinen finde ich, dass wir noch einiges an Verbesserungen im Umgang mit Medien auf Friendica in Zukunft einführen können.
I would assume, that blind people don't use fancybox
I think it is not on us to decide it, and I am convinced by the slogan "a good inclusion measure is beneficial to anybody".
To be honest I got very quickly used to read the descriptions by myself since I often find it interesting how people describe their content and in some rare cases it helped me to understand what I "see" on the image in the first place.
mögen das
Marek Bachmann und Alexander Barton mögen das.
Marek Bachmann hat dies geteilt.
Muhhhaaa, Editbutton. 😉
Ich kann das Bild anklicken, aber nicht die Kommentare zu dem Bild ansehen.
Was ist denn da los?
Die letzte war der 60. Geburtstag meiner Schwester und die Feier war wirklich furchtbar.
Ich habe mir auf dem Weg nach Hause nach der Feier geschworen, mir das nie wieder anzutun.
Und bis heute halte ich mich daran.
Ich mache mir an Weihnachten einfach ein paar schöne, entspannte Tage.
Wobei besinnlich das falsche Wort ist...
Aber gut eingestimmt!
Inhaltswarnung: Fäkalsprache
"Wir haben einfach zu wenig Platz für drei Antriebstechnologien (...) und deswegen wollen wir uns genau von einer Technologie verabschieden, um mehr Platz für die anderen beiden zu haben".
Die anderen beiden sind Diesel und Batterie. Wirkt auf mich nicht gerade zukunftsorientiert.
#Hessen #hessenschau #wiesbaden #wasserstoff #diesel #Nachhaltigkeit #ÖPNV
Kehrtwende: Wiesbaden schafft Wasserstoffbusse ab
Alle Videos zur hessenschau. Haben Sie eine Sendung verpasst? Dann sind Sie hier richtig. Folgen Sie uns hinter die Kulissen und lernen Sie unsere Redaktion sowie Moderatoren kennen.hessenschau.de
Marek Bachmann mag das.
teilten dies erneut
Lars Weisbrod und Marek Bachmann haben dies geteilt.
Boulevardisierung wie aus einem Bestseller-Kochbuch. Die harte Negativität der „Adorniten“ hat schon Habermas kritisiert.
Journalisten-Konten wurden auf Twitter gesperrt, weil sie Links zu Angeboten gepostet haben, die den Live-Standort von Musks Privatjet offenbaren
#Accounts #ElonMusk #Journalisten #Konten #LiveStandortdaten #Sperrungen #Twitter
Twitter sperrt Accounts von Journalisten - Links zu Mastodon teils nicht möglich
Journalisten-Konten wurden auf Twitter gesperrt, weil sie Links zu Angeboten gepostet haben, die den Live-Standort von Musks Privatjet offenbaren.Oliver Bünte (heise online)
teilten dies erneut
heise online und Marek Bachmann haben dies geteilt.
👎Videos wo Musk augeboot wird
👎Links zu frei zugänglichem Flugtracker von Musk
Vielleicht nehmen die Heise-Mühlen Elon Musks Geschwindigkeit auf und erteilen eine Freigabe?
"What does Friendica wants to be"?
@Friendica Support @Friendica Developers
Let me start with a concrete, question: Are there any efforts / plans to support the upload of videos?
And now, since I might have your attention, allow me to broaden the question to:
What is your opinion regarding "what #Friendica is / should be"?
My view / vision is heading slightly in the direction that nowadays image and video content is quite central in social networks and thus a #Fediverse application like friendica should support the multimedia aspect a bit more, if it wants to be attractive for the broad public in terms of being an alternative to commercial social networks.
Most of you might tell: "Yeah, if one prefers media centric Fediverse, then check out #pixelfed ". But I think, pixelfed is yet too much of an Instagram clone, only providing the image / video focus (which bothered me at Instagram from the very beginning not being able to have good commenting / discussion options there).
In my view, Friendica has great potential becoming a great "one fits all" application for the majority of people who like social media and the concept of the Fediverse. It has way more cool functions than #mastodon / pixelfed (which are in my opinion too close copies of Instagram and Twitter, respectively) but much simpler and convenient than Hubzilla (which I think is really great, for a computer science person, but not for the broad non-technical focussed public)
Wrapping it up: I would love to see a Friendica development towards an easier multimedia support. What are your thoughts?
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Lorenz, Hypolite Petovan, ITMC GmbH, Rolf Wagner, Schmaker, Lorraine Lee, Peter Vágner und Doug Holton mögen das.
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Friendica Developers und Lorraine Lee haben dies geteilt.
@Marek Bachmann :friendica: I think the question is misguided. Friendica isn’t a coherent entity. It’s developers, present and past (quite a few opinionated choices we’ve had to grapple with), server admins and users.
So ultimately Friendica ends up being what the people working on it want to spend their time on, regardless of any coherent central vision.
So far no developer has had any strong inclination working on image/video, but you can single-handedly change this, and you’ve already started with the wonderful image grid you came up with.
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Friendica Developers hat dies geteilt.
I wanted to hear from you people who are just more experienced in the Fediverse world what YOU think about Fediverse in general and Friendica specifically.
And I think this valuable, not least because there is always the chance that someone's vision does not fit at all to the vision of the majority of other participants on such a project.
I admit that there is a certain amount of reinsurance included in my question, nevertheless.
Hypolite Petovan mag das.
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Friendica Developers hat dies geteilt.
@Marek Bachmann :friendica: Ah, if it's personal then I can answer! The main reasons why I use Friendica are the following:
- Threaded conversations à-la-Facebook.
- RSS support.
- Diaspora support (I mainly like the concept, I don't have many remaining Diaspora contacts).
- Twitter support (although my patience for the platform is rapidly dwindling).
- It's written in PHP so I can contribute!
I've looked in Hubzilla as well but I found it too unintuitive and I don't care much about nomad identity anyway.
I also run a single-user Pixelfed instance that I though would be a good complement for images, but I found out that I use it the same way I used Instagram before Facebook bought it out, which excludes casual image posts.
Still, I'm not a big image guy, I'm even less of a video guy, so I've never felt compelled to look into media support in Friendica myself. I've even resorted to post pictures on my Twitter account which would be mirrored on Friendica.
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Marek Bachmann, grischa und Pen² L mögen das.
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I am not that much in media myself, what is driving me is that I would love to motivate many of my real life contacts to leave commercial platforms for the very reasons we are all know too well.
And I started talking to them already. What I learned so far is, as I elaborated above, they use Instagram / TikTok and so on to "show" their lives but to their own "handpicked" groups.
For me, it is desirable to offer such people a place in the Fediverse. Where they are not subject to advertising and data exploitation.
So I am looking at the Fediverse and its applications at the moment, asking my self:
"What might be required that the Fediverse, in terms of an alternative to commercial social media, will be a welcoming and attractive place for all the good people outside, especially when they do not care about the technology itself too much?"
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Hypolite Petovan, Lorenz, wakest ⁂, aadil, ProgGrrl und Signor Amministratore ⁂ mögen das.
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Friendica Developers und wakest ⁂ haben dies geteilt.
@Marek Bachmann :friendica: I'm envious of driven people like you. I, on the other hand, don't hope to convert anyone, so most tasks I've been working on have been revolving around my own usage. My own usage of the software, and my own usage of the codebase, for which I've proposed several structure changes, most of them are still ongoing a few years in.
I do enjoy the fact that these tasks have also been beneficial for other people, but this is not my main focus. Although you can get me to do stuff outside of my comfort zone if you bug me enough on Signal, just ask @Kristof Körner .
Finally, I have a soft spot for assisting other developers, as you've probably noticed. Even when I'm not particularly active, I will make sure that motivated people are getting timely answers and reviews and feedback because motivation and goodwill are precious resources not to be squandered.
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Scifijunkie, Pen² L, Lorenz, Luca Nucifora und grischa mögen das.
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Friendica Developers hat dies geteilt.
Hypolite Petovan mag das.
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Friendica Developers hat dies geteilt.
@Mihai von Glogowatz @Marek Bachmann :friendica: Yes, he mentioned it in his original post:
(which I think is really great, for a computer science person, but not for the broad non-technical focussed public)
Marek Bachmann mag das.
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Friendica Developers hat dies geteilt.
@Marek Bachmann
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Friendica Developers hat dies geteilt.
I'm using Emacs to write the post.
WOW, that's really cool and exactly my point when I say "great for a computer scientist, but not for the general non-technical public".
It's a great example of what my thoughts were when starting this thread:
I was under the impression (which could obviously be wrong!) that there are mainly tech and privacy enthusiasts at the Fediverse these days (Mastodon is a slight exception as it has become a sanctuary for Twitter users is).
That's perfectly fine, but in my experience, tech people tend to design a "world" for their needs, unintentionally excluding "non-tech people".
In my opinion, technology and science should serve all people and that developers and scientists have some responsibility for it.
Please don't get me wrong here, this is not meant to be a moral appeal, let alone a personal criticism of anyone associated with Fediverse.
In fact, I'm not at all altruistic when I talk about any kind of responsibility. Because offering my contacts who still use commercial networks today an adequate alternative in the Fediverse is my contribution to a Fediverse that meets my needs.
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Hypolite Petovan, Lorenz und Shelenn Ayres mögen das.
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Friendica Developers hat dies geteilt.
Friendica displays images but not text in posts from Mastodon, Misskey, perhaps others. Am I misconfigured? · Issue #12318 · friendica/friendica
Mastodon posts containing text and an image can be shared to Friendica, and the image is displayed but the text is not. Likes, shares and replies work, but could be socially risky to use as the uns...GitHub
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Lorraine Lee mag das.
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Friendica Developers hat dies geteilt.
Hypolite Petovan mag das.
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Friendica Developers hat dies geteilt.
Woohoo! Pretty cool, with #Fedilab from @Fedilab Apps I can directly embed pictures on my phone for a #Friendica post without uploading the pictures first.
Nach einem "guten Gespräch" mit der Innenministerin Faeser sei sich die Exekutive nun endlich einig beim Nein zu anlassloser Überwachung, so Buschmann.
#Chatkontrolle #Datenschutz #KryptoMessenger #Messenger #Verschlüsselung
Marek Bachmann mag das.
Marek Bachmann hat dies geteilt.
Delete User immediately?
I have a couple of test user accounts for developing, and it is a little bit cumbersome that I can't delete a test account directly but have to wait (a week or so) until it is finally deleted.
Is there a way to "force deletion" immediately?
Roland Häder mag das.
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Friendica Support hat dies geteilt.
But you can delete them from the user table and probably from the userd table.
Marek Bachmann mag das.
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Friendica Support hat dies geteilt.
and so.Marek Bachmann mag das.
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Friendica Admins hat dies geteilt.
In my case it created users that didn’t even showed up in the user overview. Deleting them solved my issue.
Anyway ist probably more safe to wait a week.
Roland Häder mag das.
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Friendica Support hat dies geteilt.
Roland Häder mag das.
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Friendica Support hat dies geteilt.
Are these Images "attched" or "inline" ...
Michael hat dies geteilt.
@Marek Bachmann :friendica: @Grischa The distinction is the following:
- Inline: There's text after the
tag. - Attached: There was no text after the
tag and as a result the image was extracted from the body and added to a separate data structure called "attachments".
Both images in your posts are attached, you can see this because they are displayed in your wonderfully crafted image grid.
Marek Bachmann mag das.
Hypolite Petovan mag das.
<div class="wall-item-body e-content " id="wall-item-body-5537679" dir="auto">... and if inline, how do I even "attach" images to a post? So sorry, but I still just don't get this distinction <bdi>@<a href="https://friendica.mrpetovan.com/profile/hypolite" class="userinfo mention" title="Hypolite Petovan">Hypolite Petovan</a></bdi> <bdi>@<a href="https://friends.brockha.us/profile/grischa" class="userinfo mention" title="Grischa">Grischa</a></bdi>
<div class="body-attach">
<div class="imagegrid-row">
<div class="imagegrid-column">
<a data-fancybox="gallery-5724961" href="https://friendica-dev.mbbit.de/photo/114271928163960cc675f28036370262"><img src="https://friendica.mrpetovan.com/photo/preview/600/1383259" alt="" title=""></a>
<div class="imagegrid-column">
<a href="https://friendica-dev.mbbit.de/photo/394612332563960ce1561f3280329933"><img src="https://friendica.mrpetovan.com/photo/preview/600/1383261" alt="" title=""></a>
<div class="clear"></div>
feature was recent, but then again, I'm always on the edge, so nothing feels recent if it's more than a week old or so.Marek Bachmann mag das.
Okay here we go and this is really strange:
<div class="body-attach"><div class="imagegrid-row">
<div class="imagegrid-column">
<a data-fancybox="gallery-352900" href="https://friendica-dev.mbbit.de/photo/114271928163960cc675f28036370262"><img src="https://fdc.mbbit.de/photo/preview/600/32336" alt="" title=""></a>
<div class="imagegrid-column">
<a data-fancybox="gallery-352900" href="https://friendica-dev.mbbit.de/photo/394612332563960ce1561f3280329933"><img src="https://fdc.mbbit.de/photo/preview/600/32338" alt="" title=""></a>
<div class="clear"></div></div>
Mehr dazu: https://www.uni-kassel.de/fb06/oeffentliche-veranstaltungen/jubilaeumsausstellungen
2023 feiert der Fachbereich sein 50jähriges Bestehen und nimmt das zum Anlass, mit einer Ausstellungsreihe kritisch forschend auf seine eigene Geschichte zurückzublicken. Die zehn Ausstellungen werden von verschiedenen Fachgebieten in Zusammenarbeit mit Studierenden organisiert.
Marek Bachmann hat dies geteilt.
Marek Bachmann mag das.
Marek Bachmann hat dies geteilt.
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Marek Bachmann und Alexander Barton mögen das.
Marek Bachmann hat dies geteilt.
Wenn ich etwas hasse, dann Mitmenschen, die mir sagen, was ich jetzt sofort zu erledigen habe
Dann grade nicht
Marek Bachmann mag das.
Marek Bachmann hat dies geteilt.
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Wärend wir Mainstreamsklaven immer auf das gleiche (falsche) Ergebnis kommen.
Brian: „Ihr seid alle Individuen!“
Masse: „Ich nicht!“
die sind in einer eskalierenden selbstbestätigungsschleife gefangen und ja imho ist das auch teil einer glaubenskrise
Das weiß doch jede der 42 kennt!😁
Keine Ahnung 😁
Nennt mich konservativ, aber das halte ich am Frankfurter Hauptbahnhof eher für ne schlechte Idee 🤔🚄
Marek Bachmann mag das.
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Martin Weidauer :verigold: und Marek Bachmann haben dies geteilt.
An die Politiker, die Ihnen die Lebensgrundlage unter dem Hintern wegverscherbeln oder an die Kirche, wo sie sich vorsichtshalber keiner Person mehr weniger als 10 Meter annähern sollten.
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Millennials who see no contradiction between using astrology and believing in science are fuelling a resurgence of the practice, Christine Smallwood writes.Christine Smallwood (The New Yorker)
Mein bester Freund zur Ausbildungszeit wurde mal nach Aszendent und Sternzeichen gefragt, als die Fragende erfuhr, das beides Skorpion ist, hat sie ihn angefaucht "Mit dir will ich NICHTS!! Zu tun haben!!", drehte sich um und ging weg.
Mein Kumpel so: "... ??!!"
Woher weiß ich was ich bin? Muss ich das überhaupt wissen? Oder ist man immer beides Skorpion, wenn jemand fragt?
@kriegundfreitag @MelanieGywer
googelt jetzt, was an einem Skorpion² so schlimm ist... XD
Lässt mir dann ja doch keine Ruhe.
Wahrscheinlich besser so... 😉
#DerApotheker 🥷
Muss man sich mal reinziehen. Eine Mutter, die ihr Kind regelrecht hasst, weils irgendwie das falsche Sternzeichen hat...🤦
The rendering of a thread jumps to its top whenever I interact with, e.g. like a comment
Hi @Friendica Developers @Friendica Support
Is it a general behavior that when I interact with a post, e.g. to like a reply, the site scrolls up to the root of the thread?
This is very annoying when I want to read through replies and comment / like on my way through. It requires a lot of scrolling through the same content over and over again.
Is this an issue with the code, or does it depend on the used browser?
Does anybody else even has this issue?
You can try here https://social.bund.de/@bfdi/109477476223436336 and like e.g. my comment https://fdc.mbbit.de/display/b25b9f4f-6063-9213-2232-ee1397814490
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Scifijunkie mag das.
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Friendica Developers hat dies geteilt.
Als Antwort auf Marek Bachmann • • •