A thought about the #Fediverse and the origin of #Internet
I think that the #Fediverse has the potential to bring (social) #Web back closer to its original vision of its most important inventor, Tim #Berners-Lee:
"There is the idea that society can run without a hierarchical bureaucratic government being involved at every step, if only we can hit on the right set of rules for peer-peer interaction. So where design of the Internet and the Web is a search for set of rules which will allow computers to work together in harmony, so our spiritual and social quest is for a set of rules which allow people to work together in harmony." (source)
And from my point of view, the term "hierarchical bureaucratic government" also holds for "#centralized #commercial #social #networks".
blaubeerbrot mag das.
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Friendica displays images but not text in posts from Mastodon, Misskey, perhaps others. Am I misconfigured? · Issue #12318 · friendica/friendica
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Als Antwort auf Marek Bachmann • • •